means: see you soon. This short film was shot in 2013 in the Basque towns of Bakio, San Sebastian, and San Juan de Gasteluatxe in the province of Bizkaia, Northern Spain. Two years prior to Game of Thrones.
Half-siblings meet for the first time when the American sister visits her Basque half-brother to make amends for the sins of their father.
I wrote this story inspired and reimagined from a childhood memory of a Basque friend's personal story. Also, wanting to work with my good friend, Patxi Barco, whom I know since 1986 when I was in Gernika making Gernika Lives and editing at K200 production house where we met.
Ainhoa Aierbe, Patxi Barco & Begonya Plaza
Spanish, English and Euskera with subtitles in English. Duration: 15 minute. Shot on 5DMark II. Aspect ratio: 1920 X1080 (HDV) - Private screener on Youtube. Available as a file and on DVD region "o". Released in 2014.
Kontxi Orbegozo was so incredibly splendid and gracious allowing us to use her bar.
Kontxi is not only my extraordinary friend but her dishes are exquisite and I recommend you visit her bar if you have a chance to travel to San Sebastian or Donosti (the name in Euskera).
Alai Taberna at Catalina de Erauso Kalea, 9, 20010 Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Spain Phone: +34-943-46 62 81
Camara: Antonio Galvez, Assistant Camera: Alain Consonni, Sound: Jon Fika, Editing: Taji Ameen & Begonya Plaza, Music: accordion composer: Kepa Junkera, Produced by: Izar Productions, & CreAv
All rights reserved, May 12, 2014
Eskerrik asko, dear friends of Bakio. Koldo and Rosa you were amazing in how you offered up your bar and services at the wonderful Itsasargi Kafetxea at: Zarrakoa Bidea, 7, 48130 Bakio, Bizkaia, Spain. Tel: +34 946 19 31 93
Thank you! all who served as background patrons encouraging a smooth shoot, and patiently enduring the repetitive takes with joy and good will. The night turned out to be a big town event. How delighful, and I am so grateful to you all.
My dear and long time friend Miguelín made all this possible, with permits, contacts and his own enthusiastic involvement. So true that time and distance means nothing when there is a strong bond of friendship. After the shoot, Miguel invited us to his amazing caserio-home and prepared for us a meal composed of the percebes he caught, out in the rocky seas of the Atlantic ocean, eggs, tomatoes and chicken from his farm, and delicious local chorizos and sardines. It was a banquet. Eskerrik asko Miguelín. You deserve your own documentary, and here is Miguelín talking about his lemon trees. (Click outside the white frame to enter my blog and see this video and more posts.)
Forever we will remember this experience and treasure not only its creative challenges but the beautiful people I made friends with along the way. Gero arte!
Begonya is interviewed by Felix and Kike on Basque Radio IFLANDIA
IFLANDIA entrevista a Begonya Plaza
At half show: 51:50 for the second half of the program Begonya comes on.
IFlandia Radio Euskadi Es un programa divertido, interesante sobre cultura y arte. Para todos los de habla hispana les recomiendo descargar sus podcasts. 10/16/2013